Wedding Vendors Advertising Price List
Wedding Vendors' Late Availability Offerings
If you have vacancies less than six months ahead of time, it is possible you will not be able to fill them. Even if you can’t rent the space or provide the service at full price, don’t let it go to waste; offer your vacancies at a discount to our registered brides and grooms in your area and also all around the world!
Our registered brides are actively looking for good deals on their wedding services and currently hold an overall budget
over $ 180.000.000 to be spent within next 6 months.
over $ 180.000.000 to be spent within next 6 months.
Wedding Vendor Price list for CanceledWeddings.comAddons for Your Advertising PackageYou may add to your selected package for advertising at also other add-on that e.g. allow you to advertise also on our regional sites in US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India or Germany. You may also choose to boost your late availability date promotion on our Facebook.