FAQ - Buying a Canceled Wedding or Honeymoon on Sale
Haven't you found answer to your question?Q: How do I view your offering with cancelled weddings and honeymoons on sale?Canceled Weddings is a Members-Only wedding brokerage which is open for your FREE registration.
To start you should first register your search profile in our cancelled weddings MatchMaker system as a prospective buyer. Please note that the better matchmaking profile you create, the better results we may deliver to you while protecting your privacy. In our MatchMaker system we search for best matches to your set preferences and notify you when we find a fit. If we don’t find a match for your preferences right away there is no need to worry, because the good news is that new sellers register their canceled events on sale with us every day. So if we don't have a match for you today, we might have it tomorrow. You might also spot a good deal on a last minute cancelled wedding that we advertise on Facebook, Twitter or in our Canceled Wedding Newsletter. In this case, just drop us a line which cancelled event you are interested in and we’ll get back to you. Although for cancelled event offerings you have to be a registered member, the Late Availability Offerings for last minute wedding venue, photography, entertainer etc. deals are publicly available on our web for you to browse. You’ll find fantastic discounts there. Q: What’s the difference between a canceled wedding on sale and a late availability offer?Cancelled weddings are prepackaged events sold directly by couples that for whatever reason decided not to use them. These couples have their deposits and planning vested in these packages and they are willing to sell it on discount to get at least some of their money back or to avoid paying steep cancellation fees to their former vendors.
To get offers on available cancelled weddings on sale, you have to be a registered member. Register your FREE search profile now and save on your wedding and honeymoon. Late Availability offers or last minute wedding deals are offers made directly by vendors (venues, photographers, entertainers, caterers, florists, planners & coordinators, etc.) for specific unsold dates. By a rule these last-minute dates must be less than six months ahead. This way you may cherry-pick the best deals on a given date from various vendors and create your own wedding package for less. Q: How does your wedding brokerage work?If you're interested in a given canceled event opportunity on sale and would like more detailed information, we provide it to you upon request.
First we provide you with basic set of information and ask you to sign our preliminary broker Agreement. At this stage you’ll not know the name of the venue and respective vendors. The preliminary broker Agreement describes the process of using our cancelled weddings brokerage and transferring a canceled event to you. By signing the preliminary broker Agreement you're not undertaking any obligations to buy this event and you're still able to walk away from it at no charge. When we get your signed copy of the preliminary broker agreement, we do an update with the seller and provide you all the details including the exact location, vendor names, contracts etc. while protecting the privacy of the seller and of course you. We than mediate your negotiation with the seller and respective vendors to close the deal and transfer the rights and obligations properly. You may walk away at no charge at any time during this process. By this time you have all information that you need in order to make a binding decision. When you decide to close the deal, we prepare a binding Debt Assumption Agreement to be signed by you, the seller and respective vendors. This is a binding act when the cancelled event and all of the rights and obligations get transferred to you. Q: What’s the economy behind buying a canceled wedding?The way our wedding brokerage works is that you take over somebody else's event by buying out seller’s paid deposit on discount. The balance must still be paid to the respective vendors.
For example if the originally estimated wedding budget is $27,000 and the seller has already paid $5,000 in deposits, you may buy these deposits out for lower price e.g. $2,000 - this way you save $3,000 and pay only the balance to the respective vendors. Some vendors have steep cancellation policies, so given the situation above the seller might be obliged to pay e.g. additional $10,000 to the vendors as a cancellation fee. In this case the seller might be willing to eat the whole deposit in order to avoid paying the cancellation penalty. This way you save $5,000 and pay only the balance to the respective vendors. In general, the more deposits are paid or the steeper the cancellation policy, the better deal you can get. But don't get too greedy and have some sympathy for the selling couple. The economy behind vendor’s late availability offers and last-minutes is different it’s up to vendors what discount they provide for a given day. Q: After I buy a canceled wedding, may I still make changes to it?Yes, in most cases there is still a lot of space to adjust the wedding to your requirements if you wish to. Let it be the guest count, catering etc.
This is also something that you can check in the buying process after signing the Broker Agreement and of course before signing the final and binding Debt Assumption Agreement. Q: How do I know what’s included in a given canceled wedding that I want to purchase?Each cancelled wedding package on sale has a different mix of “ingredients”. Some packages are fully prepared weddings with all the details and vendors while other are just booked venues, caterers or photographers.
Some sellers put a whole package on sale, but have a high priority to re-sell for example only the venue or caterer because of steep cancellation fees. It’s very individual and subject to negotiation that our brokers mediate for you. Q: I had signed up for your canceled wedding brokerage service and have since gotten married. How do I remove my profile from the MatchMaker system?First of all let us congratulate to you on your marriage and wish to you all the best for the times ahead!
To withdraw from our service is simple, just drop a line to our customer support from your e-mail address, where you receive our offerings, saying that you want to withdraw and we'll delete you profile from our MatchMaker system and newsletter immediately. If you don't let us know, we'll be sending canceled weddings offers matching your search profile till the end of the wedding time-frame you set in your preference. Haven't you found answer to your question? |